Echo's Puppies Are Here
Puppy Reservations Available
Call/Text 208-451-0523 or email
SOLD – Meet Ruby
Echo’s Puppies – 11 Weeks
Here’s videos of Echo’s two male puppies. The larger puppy has a white mark on his chest and I call him Flash.
Started Dogs Available
I have made the difficult decision to pause our breeding program and to rehome numerous dogs that have been a tremendous source of joy, at home and in the field.
Ruby – Female, White Cream, Intact – Whelped 10/3/2020 – TBD – I kept Ruby from our Sammi x Rico with plans to breed her, but with a male that I have kept, it isn’t an option to breed her now. She loves to retrieve and has a playful temperament. She’s done well with waterfowl, but hasn’t had any experience with upland birds.
Indi – Female, Yellow, Intact – Whelped 5/20/2015 – Free – She hasn’t retrieved any birds since being corrected after a couple of chicken massacres. She loves retrieving. Check out her page under Dams tab
Echo – Female, Yellow, Intact – Whelped 2/7/2018 – Rico x Indi – $750 – She has been one of the most fun labs I have ever owned. She retrieves with so much speed and flash. She soars into the water. Check out her page under Dams tab
Best dog ever!
Cooper is an amazing retriever and family Dog.
Thanks again Derrick!
Echo’s Puppies – 6 Weeks – Getting Faster
Echo’s Puppies – 4 Weeks – Enjoying The Sun and Playing With Us
Echo’s Puppies – 3 Days
We Are Excited to Announce Our Upcoming Echo x Rex Litter

Stay tuned for Echo’s delivery announcement, which should be within the next couple of days.
We love our pups
They love each other so much. ❤️❤️❤️ Finley and Penny Benjamin
Meet Kali – SOLD
Kali is an absolute sweetheart. She broke her hip just before going to her new home and had an FHO (femoral head ostectomy) at Animal Medical Hospital in Emmett, ID on 10/19/2022. Surgery and rehab have gone very well. She is still missing the fur they shaved for her surgery. She is a happy, mobile dog, but should generally avoid endurance or high-stress activities. She will make a great family member and recreational hunting companion. Kali is tiny at just over 40 lbs, very small for a labrador retriever. Since Kali has some limitations, she is free to the right home. Please call or text 208-451-0523 if you are interested. Kali was born 10/16/2021. Emmett, ID